Aeloria Brightwing- Cleric Dragonborn
Akmenos Tiefling Fighter
Alasthor - Human
Angered Demon
Arannis Swiftshot - Leonin
Bard - Tortle
Belladonna Black - Elf
Bogwarden – Toadfolk Sentinel (52mm Miniature)
Bromir Boar-Rider, the Thunderhammer - Dwarf Barbarian
Calia Seabreeze
Caoraa - Warrior
Centar Monk
Ceto Wavepiercer
Demon Spawn
Doom Titan: The Colossal Destroyer
Dorian Silvernote
Druid Satyr
Dwarf King
Dwarf Ranger
Eiravel the Frostforged - Elf Articifer
Elara Nightshade - Sorceress
Elf Druid